Choiф lauфseд 揣老師


The foundation of the Mohkien language comes from the Medan Hokkien language, which is a Hokkien creole spoken predominantly in Medan city, North Sumatera province, Indonesia. Medan Hokkien is used only as a colloquial language for daily life. It lacks a vocabulary for formal context, and Medan Hokkien also doesn't have a standardized system for its writing and grammar. Because of this reason, Mohkien presents to fill this gap. 

The vocabulary of Mohkien mostly comes from Medan Hokkien, following the speech style and expressions of its speakers in a natural manner. Words from Taiwanese Hokkien are used to replace the Indonesian loanwords that exist in Medan Hokkien. This characteristic makes Mohkien a posteriori language. A posteriori: languages that take most of their material from existing natural languages. On the contrary, a priori: languages that are completely created from scratch.

Mohkien's sentence structure follows that of Indonesian, Medan Hokkien, and Chinese Mandarin, which is SOV but the position of the Adverb of Time is placed either at the beginning of the sentence or after the Subject, like that in Chinese Mandarin. Mohkien is a simple language that doesn't use conjugations, genders, or even grammatical cases.

Photo by lilartsy on Unsplash


Suiфkiд huatяbunж 隨機貼文

Liaynфlorkд tuuaд 聯絡單


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