Choiф lauфseд 揣老師

Swadesh List (51-60)

Swadesh List (51-60) = Swadesh pioя (gorфcapф yitф - lakфcapд) Swadesh表(五十一-六十)

51. breasts = layngд 奶

She has big breasts = iд uф tuaфliapд layngд 伊有大粒奶

52. heart = simд 心

Good heart person = hoя simд ayд langж 好心的人

53. liver = kuuaд 肝

He takes liver medicine every de = iд takфtakфjitд ciakд kuuaд iokд 伊逐逐日食肝藥

54. drink = limд 啉

The kids like to drink milk = giдnaя suфkaф limд guфlayngд 囡仔思覺啉牛奶

55. eat = ciakд 食

Do you want to eat? = luя aiя ciakд boж? 你愛食無?

56. bite = kaф 咬

The dog bites the bird = kauя kaф ciauя 狗咬鳥

57. see = khuuaф 看

What do you see? = luя khuuaф haдmikд? 你看啥物?

58. hear = thiiaд 聽

Listening to music makes you relax = thiiaф kuaд coя luя pangяlayngф 聽歌做你放冗

59. know = caiд 知

Do you know or not? = luя caiд aфsiф emфcaiд? 你知也是毋知?

60. sleep = khunф 睏

I sleep in the class = waя khunф uanд panд 我睏彎班 


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