Choiф lauфseд 揣老師

Swadesh List (1-10)

Swadesh List (1-10) = Swadesh pioя (yitф - capд) Swadesh表(一-十)

1. I (first person singular pronoun) = waя 我

I am the best = waя tayж hoя 我最好

2. you (second person singular pronoun) = luя 你

You eat the cake = luя ciakф koiя 你吃糕

3. we (inclusive/ exclusive) = waяlangж 我人

We are kids = waяlangж siф giдnaя 我人是囡仔

4. this = ceдlayд 這個

This is my bag = ceдlayд siф waя ayд taeфaя 這個是我的袋仔

5. that = hayдlayд 彼個

That one is bigger = hayдlayд khakя tuaф 彼個較大

6. who? = haяmangж 啥人

Who is going? = haяmangж khiф? 啥人去?

7. what? = haдmikд 啥物

What are you eating? = luя ciakд haдmikд? 你食啥物?

8. not = boж, emфsiф 無, 毋是

Not this person = emфsiф ceяkaiж langж 毋是這個人

9. all (of a number) = kaдliauя 合了

All of the books are here = kaдliauя chaekф uanд ceяpayngж 合了冊彎這旁

10. many = cayф 濟

Many dogs sleep there = cayф kauя khunф hayяpayngж 濟狗睏彼旁


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